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Signals in dill-pixel provide a type-safe event system for communication between different parts of your application. The framework extends the typed-signals library to add priority ordering and convenience methods.

Core Concepts

Signal Priorities

Signals can be ordered using predefined priorities or custom numeric values:

const priorities = {
highest: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,
higher: -1000,
high: -100,
normal: 0,
low: 100,
lower: 1000,
lowest: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,

Basic Usage

import { Signal } from 'dill-pixel';
export default class MyScene extends Scene<MyApplication> {
initialize() {
// Create a signal
const onScoreChange = new Signal<(score: number) => void>();
// Connect with default (normal) priority
onScoreChange.connect((score) => {
console.log(Score changed to: ${score});
// Connect with specific priority
onScoreChange.connect((score) => {
console.log('High priority handler: ${score}');
}, 'high');
updateScore(score: number) {
// Emit the signal

Connection Methods

Standard Connection

// Basic connection
const connection = signal.connect(callback);
// Connection with priority
const highPriority = signal.connect(callback, 'high');
const customPriority = signal.connect(callback, -50);

One-time Connection

// Connect and automatically disconnect after first execution

N-times Connection

// Connect and automatically disconnect after N executions
signal.connectNTimes(callback, 3);

Managing Connections

Manual Disconnection

// Manually disconnect a callback
const connection = signal.connect(callback);
// Later...

Disconnecting All

// Disconnect all callbacks

Scene Cleanup

In scenes, use addSignalConnection to automatically manage signal lifecycles:

class MyScene extends Scene {
private scoreChangeSignal: Signal<(score: number) => void>;
private levelChangeSignal: Signal<(level: number) => void>;
initialize() {
// These connections will be automatically cleaned up when scene is destroyed
this.scoreChangeSignal.connect((score) => {
console.log('Score changed to: ${score}');
this.levelChangeSignal.connect((level) => {
console.log('Level changed to: ${level}');

Core Application Signals

The Application provides several built-in signals through ICoreSignals:

export interface ICoreSignals {
// AudioManager;
onSoundStarted: Signal<(detail: SoundDetail) => void>;
onSoundEnded: Signal<(detail: SoundDetail) => void>;
onMuted: Signal<(muted: boolean) => void>;
onMasterVolumeChanged: Signal<(volume: number) => void>;
onChannelVolumeChanged: Signal<(detail: ChannelVolumeDetail) => void>;
onChannelMuted: Signal<(detail: ChannelMutedDetail) => void>;
// VoiceOverPlugin;
onVoiceOverStart: Signal<(instance: IAudioInstance) => void>;
onVoiceOverPaused: Signal<(instance: IAudioInstance) => void>;
onVoiceOverComplete: Signal<(instance: IAudioInstance) => void>;
onVoiceOverResumed: Signal<(instance: IAudioInstance) => void>;
onVoiceOverStopped: Signal<(instance?: IAudioInstance) => void>;
// FocusManager;
onFocusManagerActivated: Signal<() => void>;
onFocusManagerDeactivated: Signal<() => void>;
onFocusLayerChange: Signal<(currentLayerId: string | number) => void>;
onFocusChange: Signal<(detail: FocusChangeDetail) => void>;
// i18nPlugin;
onLocaleChanged: Signal<(locale: string) => void>;
// actionsPlugin;
onActionContextChanged: Signal<(context: string | ActionContext) => void>;
// InputManager;
onGamepadConnected: Signal<(gamepad: Gamepad) => void>;
onGamepadDisconnected: Signal<(gamepad: Gamepad) => void>;
onControllerActivated: Signal<(controller: string) => void>;
onControllerDeactivated: Signal<(controller: string) => void>;
// KeyboardManager;
onGlobalKeyDown: Signal<(detail: KeyboardEventDetail) => void>;
onGlobalKeyUp: Signal<(detail: KeyboardEventDetail) => void>;
// PopupManager;
onShowPopup: Signal<(detail: PopupSignalDetail) => void>;
onHidePopup: Signal<(detail: PopupSignalDetail) => void>;
onPopupChanged: Signal<(detail: PopupSignalDetail) => void>;
// SceneManager;
onSceneChangeStart: Signal<(detail: { exiting: string | null; entering: string }) => void>;
onSceneChangeComplete: Signal<(detail: { current: string }) => void>;
// WebEventsManager;
onResize: Signal<(size: Size) => void>;
onVisibilityChanged: Signal<(visible: boolean) => void>;
// AssetPlugin
onLoadProgress: Signal<(progress: number) => void>;
onLoadComplete: Signal<() => void>;
onError: Signal<(error: Error) => void>;
// DataAdapter;
onDataChange: Signal<(detail: DataChangeSignalDetail) => void>;

Best Practices

  1. Type Safety

    • Always define signal types explicitly for better type inference
    • Use TypeScript interfaces for complex signal payloads
  2. Connection Management

    • Use addSignalConnection in scenes (or any class extending dill pixel’s Container class) for automatic cleanup
    • Disconnect manual connections when no longer needed
    • Consider using connectOnce for one-time events
  3. Priority Usage

    • Use predefined priorities for common cases
    • Reserve custom numeric priorities for specific ordering requirements
    • Keep priority system consistent across your application
  4. Performance

    • Avoid creating signals in tight loops
    • Clean up connections when components are destroyed
    • Use connectOnce or connectNTimes instead of manual disconnection when appropriate