The Toaster system provides a way to display temporary notifications, alerts, and feedback messages to users. It includes both the Toaster
manager component and individual Toast
Basic Usage
// Create a toaster instanceconst toaster = this.add.existing( new Toaster({ position: 'top right', maxToasts: 5, }),);
// Show a basic{ message: 'Operation successful!', type: 'success',});
// Show a custom{ message: 'Custom notification', backgroundColor: 0x9b59b6, shadow: { color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.2, offset: { x: 4, y: 4 }, },});
Toaster Configuration
The Toaster
component manages the positioning and stacking of toast notifications. It can be configured with the following options:
interface ToasterConfig { // Position of toasts relative to the screen edges position?: 'top right' | 'top left' | 'top center' | 'bottom right' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom center';
// Maximum number of toasts to show at once maxToasts?: number;
// Vertical spacing between toasts spacing?: number;
// Distance from screen edges offset?: { x: number; y: number } | number;
// Direction in which new toasts should stack stackDirection?: 'up' | 'down';}
Default Toast Configuration
You can set default configurations for all toasts shown by a toaster:
const toaster = new Toaster( { position: 'top right' }, { // Default config for all toasts backgroundColor: 0x000000, backgroundAlpha: 0.8, cornerRadius: 8, duration: 3000, autoClose: true, },);
Toast Configuration
Individual toasts can be customized with various visual and behavioral options:
interface ToastConfig { // Required message to display message: string;
// Type of toast (affects color indicator) type?: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error';
// Visual styling width?: number; height?: number; backgroundColor?: number; backgroundAlpha?: number; cornerRadius?: number; padding?: number;
// Text styling style?: Partial<TextStyle>; textAlign?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'; verticalAlign?: 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';
// Behavior duration?: number; autoClose?: boolean;
// Color indicator colorBarWidth?: number; textColors?: { info: number; success: number; warning: number; error: number; };
// Shadow effect shadow?: { color?: number; alpha?: number; offset?: { x: number; y: number }; };
// Close button closeButton?: { show?: boolean; position?: 'top right' | 'top left'; class?: typeof Button; size?: number; offset?: number; };}
Custom Close Button
You can create a custom close button by extending the Button
class CustomCloseButton extends Button { constructor() { super({ cursor: 'pointer', textures: { default: 'close-icon' }, });
this.onOver.connect(() => { this.scale.set(1.1); });
this.onOut.connect(() => { this.scale.set(1); }); }}
// Use the custom button in toast{ message: 'Custom close button', closeButton: { show: true, class: CustomCloseButton, position: 'top right', size: 24, offset: 8, },});
The Toaster system provides several events you can listen to:
// Toaster eventstoaster.onToastAdded.connect((toast) => { console.log('New toast added');});
toaster.onToastRemoved.connect((toast) => { console.log('Toast removed');});
toaster.onAllToastsRemoved.connect(() => { console.log('All toasts cleared');});
// Individual toast eventstoast.onToastClosed.connect(() => { console.log('Toast closed');});
Managing Toasts
The Toaster provides methods to manage active toasts:
// Get current number of visible toastsconst count = toaster.size;
// Hide all toastsawait toaster.hideAll();// Remove all toasts (alias for hideAll)await toaster.removeAll();
Basic Notification{ message: 'File saved successfully', type: 'success', duration: 3000, autoClose: true,});
Custom Styled Toast{ message: 'Custom notification style', backgroundColor: 0x9b59b6, backgroundAlpha: 1, cornerRadius: 15, colorBarWidth: 8, shadow: { color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.3, offset: { x: 2, y: 4 }, }, closeButton: { show: true, position: 'top right', }, style: { fontSize: 18, fill: 0xffffff, fontWeight: 'bold', },});
Persistent Toast with Close Button{ message: 'This message will stay until dismissed', type: 'info', autoClose: false, closeButton: { show: true, position: 'top right', },});
Toast with Custom Animation
const toast = await{ message: 'Custom animation example', type: 'success',});, { x: 1.1, y: 1.1, duration: 0.2, yoyo: true, repeat: 1,});