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Crunch Physics Plugin

The Crunch Physics Plugin is a robust, grid-based physics system designed for high-performance games with many entities. It excels at platformers, endless runners, and games requiring precise collision detection with efficient spatial partitioning.

Core Features

  • Grid-based spatial partitioning for efficient collision detection
  • Support for dynamic actors, static solids, and trigger sensors
  • Advanced entity grouping and management
  • Built-in culling system for off-screen entities
  • Debug visualization tools
  • Customizable collision and overlap resolution

Core Concepts

The system is built around three main entity types and a group system:

Actors (Actor)

Dynamic entities that can move and collide with solids. Key features:

  • Velocity-based movement with gravity
  • Precise collision detection and response
  • Support for riding moving platforms
  • Sub-pixel movement precision
  • Customizable collision filtering
class Player extends Actor {
initialize() {
// Setup player-specific properties
this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.excludeCollisionTypes = new Set(['Coin']);
update(dt: number) {
// Handle movement and physics
if (this.isRidingSolid()) {
this.velocity.y = 0;
onCollide(result: CollisionResult) {
// Handle collisions
if (result.solid.type === 'Spike') {

Solids (Solid)

Static or kinematic objects that block movement. Features:

  • Can be static or moving
  • Automatically push overlapping actors
  • Carry riding actors
  • Support for one-way platforms
  • Efficient grid-based collision checks
class Platform extends Solid {
initialize() {
this.collideable = true; // Enable collisions
this.moving = true; // Enable movement updates
update(dt: number) {
// Handle platform-specific logic
if ( {
// Custom one-way platform logic

Sensors (Sensor)

Trigger zones that detect but don’t block movement. Features:

  • Overlap detection with specific actor types
  • Enter/exit event callbacks
  • Optional gravity and movement
  • Can be static or dynamic
class Coin extends Sensor {
initialize() {
this.collidableTypes = ['Player'];
this.isStatic = true;
onActorEnter(actor: Actor) {
if (actor.type === 'Player') {
(actor as Player).addScore(10);

Groups (Group)

Container for managing collections of related entities:

  • Manage multiple entities as a single unit
  • Share common properties and behaviors
  • Efficient batch updates and transformations
class PlatformGroup extends Group {
initialize() {
// Create a group of platforms
const platform1 = this.system.createSolid({
const platform2 = this.system.createSolid({
update(dt: number) {
// Update all platforms in the group

Spatial Grid System

The Crunch Physics Plugin uses an efficient grid-based spatial partitioning system:

// Configure the physics system
await physics.initialize(app, {
gridSize: 32, // Size of each grid cell
gravity: 900,
maxVelocity: 1000,
debug: true, // Enable debug visualization
shouldCull: true, // Enable automatic culling
boundary: new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600),

Grid-Based Collision Detection

The system automatically:

  1. Divides the world into grid cells
  2. Tracks which solids are in each cell
  3. Only checks collisions with solids in relevant cells
  4. Updates grid assignments when entities move
// Internal grid management (handled automatically)
private addSolidToGrid(solid: Solid): void {
const cells = this.getCells(solid.bounds);
for (const cell of cells) {
if (!this.grid.has(cell)) {
this.grid.set(cell, new Set());

Collision Resolution

Basic Resolution

The system provides flexible collision handling:

class MyScene extends Scene {
async initialize() {
await this.physics.initialize(app, {
collisionResolver: (collisions: Collision[]) => {
for (const collision of collisions) {
switch (collision.type) {
case 'Player|Enemy':
case 'Player|Coin':

Advanced Features

  1. Riding Detection:
class Actor {
isRidingSolid(): boolean {
// Cached check for performance
if (this._isRidingSolidCache !== null) {
return this._isRidingSolidCache;
return this.checkRiding();
  1. Moving Platforms:
class MovingPlatform extends Solid {
update(dt: number) {
// Platform movement automatically:
// - Updates grid position
// - Pushes overlapping actors
// - Carries riding actors
this.move(dx, dy);
  1. Sensor Overlaps:
class TriggerZone extends Sensor {
checkActorOverlaps(): Set<SensorOverlap> {
// Efficiently check overlaps
// Triggers enter/exit callbacks
return this._checkOverlaps();

Entity Management

Creation and Initialization

// Create an actor
const player = physics.createActor({
type: 'Player',
position: [100, 100],
size: [32, 64],
view: playerSprite,
// Create a solid
const platform = physics.createSolid({
type: 'Platform',
position: [0, 500],
size: [800, 32],
view: platformSprite,
// Create a sensor
const coin = physics.createSensor({
type: 'Coin',
position: [400, 300],
size: [32, 32],
view: coinSprite,

Lifecycle Management

// Remove entities
// Clean up
physics.destroy(); // Removes all entities and stops updates


For implementation examples, see:

Performance Tips

  1. Grid Size Optimization:
// Choose grid size based on average entity size
physics.initialize(app, {
gridSize: 32, // Adjust based on your game's needs
  1. Culling:
// Enable automatic culling of off-screen entities
physics.initialize(app, {
shouldCull: true,
boundary: new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),
  1. Entity Pooling:
// Use object pooling for frequently created/destroyed entities
const pool = new Pool<Actor>(Actor);
const actor = pool.get(config);
// Later...

Debug Visualization

The plugin includes built-in debug visualization:

// Enable debug rendering
physics.system.debug = true;
// Debug features:
// - Grid cell visualization
// - Entity bounds
// - Collision points
// - Velocity vectors
// - Custom debug colors per entity