Array utilities provide essential functions for manipulating and working with arrays in your game. These utilities are designed to be type-safe and efficient, particularly useful for game state management, inventory systems, and randomization.
Array Operations
Shuffling Arrays
The shuffle function randomly reorders elements in an array:
Random Element Selection
Get a random element from an array:
Common Use Cases
Card Games
Random Loot Generation
Level Generation
Type Safety
The array utilities are fully typed and work with any array type:
Best Practices
Use shuffle when you need to randomize the entire array
Use getRandomElement for single random selection
Create a copy before shuffling if you need to preserve the original order:
Consider caching random selections for performance:
Performance Considerations
Efficient Usage
Tips and Tricks
Use shuffle for initial randomization of game elements
Combine with other utilities for complex behaviors:
Consider using getRandomElement for variety in game events: