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Array Utilities


Array utilities provide essential functions for manipulating and working with arrays in your game. These utilities are designed to be type-safe and efficient, particularly useful for game state management, inventory systems, and randomization.

Array Operations

Shuffling Arrays

The shuffle function randomly reorders elements in an array:

import { shuffle } from 'dill-pixel;
// Shuffle an array in place
const cards = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
// cards is now randomly reordered, e.g.: ['4', '2', 'A', '5', '3']

Random Element Selection

Get a random element from an array:

import { getRandomElement } from 'dill-pixel;
const items = ['sword', 'shield', 'potion', 'gem'];
const randomItem = getRandomElement(items);

Common Use Cases

Card Games

import { shuffle } from 'dill-pixel;
class Deck {
private cards: string[];
constructor() {
// Initialize deck = ['A♠', 'K♠', 'Q♠' /* ... */];
// Shuffle the deck
draw() {
reset() {
// Reshuffle all cards

Random Loot Generation

import { getRandomElement } from 'dill-pixel;
interface LootItem {
id: string;
rarity: 'common' | 'rare' | 'epic';
value: number;
class LootSystem {
private lootTable: LootItem[];
generateLoot(count: number): LootItem[] {
const loot: LootItem[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return loot;

Level Generation

import { shuffle } from 'dill-pixel;
class LevelGenerator {
private roomTemplates: string[];
generateLevel(roomCount: number) {
// Create copy of templates
const templates = [...this.roomTemplates];
// Shuffle templates
// Use first n templates
return templates.slice(0, roomCount);

Type Safety

The array utilities are fully typed and work with any array type:

import { shuffle, getRandomElement } from 'dill-pixel;
// Works with any type
interface Player {
id: string;
name: string;
score: number;
const players: Player[] = [
{ id: '1', name: 'Alice', score: 100 },
{ id: '2', name: 'Bob', score: 200 },
// Type-safe shuffling
// Type-safe random selection
const randomPlayer: Player = getRandomElement(players);

Best Practices

  1. Use shuffle when you need to randomize the entire array

  2. Use getRandomElement for single random selection

  3. Create a copy before shuffling if you need to preserve the original order:

    const original = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    const shuffled = [...original];
  4. Consider caching random selections for performance:

    class EnemySpawner {
    private enemyTypes = ['goblin', 'orc', 'troll'];
    private spawnQueue: string[] = [];
    getNextEnemy(): string {
    if (this.spawnQueue.length === 0) {
    // Refill queue with shuffled enemies
    this.spawnQueue = [...this.enemyTypes];
    return this.spawnQueue.pop()!;

Performance Considerations

Efficient Usage

// Good: Shuffle in place
// Less Efficient: Creating new array
const shuffled = [...array].sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
// Good: Direct random access
const item = getRandomElement(array);
// Less Efficient: Manual random index
const item = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use shuffle for initial randomization of game elements

  2. Combine with other utilities for complex behaviors:

    import { shuffle, Color } from 'dill-pixel;
    // Create random color palette
    const colors = [Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN];
  3. Consider using getRandomElement for variety in game events:

    const events = ['spawn', 'powerup', 'obstacle'];
    const nextEvent = getRandomElement(events);
  4. Use type annotations to ensure type safety:

    const <T>(arr: T[]): T => getRandomElement(arr);