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The Input component provides a highly customizable text input implementation with support for mobile devices, validation, placeholder text, and various styling options.

Basic Usage

The simplest way to create an input field is:

const input = this.add.existing(
new Input({
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter text' },
padding: [12, 15],

Input Configuration

The input component accepts several configuration options:

export interface InputOptions extends Partial<TextProps> {
value: string; // Initial value
type: 'text' | 'password' | 'number' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'url'; // Input type
fixed: boolean; // Whether width is fixed
pattern: string; // Validation pattern
minWidth: number; // Minimum width
padding: Padding; // Padding configuration
maxLength?: number; // Maximum length
blurOnEnter: boolean; // Whether to blur on Enter key
regex?: RegExp; // Custom validation regex
bg: Partial<BgStyleOptions>; // Background styling
placeholder: Partial<PlaceholderOptions & ColorOptions & ExtraPlaceholderOptions>;
selection: Partial<ColorOptions>; // Selection highlight styling
caret: Partial<ColorOptions>; // Caret styling
focusOverlay: Partial<FocusOverlayOptions>; // Mobile/touch overlay config


Input Types

The component supports various input types:

const textInput = new Input({
type: 'text',
minWidth: 400,
const passwordInput = new Input({
type: 'password',
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter password' },
const emailInput = new Input({
type: 'email',
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter email' },


You can validate input using patterns or regular expressions:

// Phone number validation
const phoneInput = new Input({
type: 'tel',
minWidth: 400,
regex: /^1?-?\(?([2-9][0-9]{2})\)?[-. ]?([2-9][0-9]{2})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter phone number' },
error: {
input: { fill: 0xff0000 },
bg: { fill: 0xf5e0df, stroke: { width: 2, color: 0xff0000 } },
// Pattern validation (disallow numbers)
const lettersOnlyInput = new Input({
minWidth: 400,
pattern: '[^a-z]*',
placeholder: { text: 'Letters only' },

Placeholder Text

The input supports customizable placeholder text with animation:

const input = new Input({
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: {
text: 'I am persistent',
alpha: 0.4,
positionOnType: 'top',
scaleOnType: 0.7,
animationOnType: {
duration: 0.2,
alpha: 1,
ease: 'sine.out',
tint: 0x666666,
offsetOnType: { x: -12, y: 2 },

Mobile/Touch Support

The input provides enhanced mobile support with a focus overlay:

const mobileInput = new Input({
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: { text: 'Touch to enter text' },
focusOverlay: {
activeFilter: ['mobile', 'touch'],
marginTop: 60,
scale: 2.5,
backing: {
active: true,
options: { color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.8 },


The input component offers extensive styling options:

const styledInput = new Input({
minWidth: 400,
style: {
align: 'left',
fontSize: 32,
fill: 0x000000,
padding: [20, 30],
bg: {
radius: 200,
stroke: { width: 6, color: 0x000000 },
fill: { color: 0xffffff, alpha: 1 },
selection: { color: 0x00ff00, alpha: 0.5 },
caret: { color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.8 },

Event Handling

The input provides several signals for interaction:

// Value change handling
input.onChange.connect((detail) => {
console.log('Value changed:', detail.value);
// Enter key handling
input.onEnter.connect((detail) => {
console.log('Enter pressed:', detail.value);
// Validation error handling
input.onError.connect((detail) => {
console.log('Validation failed:', detail.value);

Complete Example

Here’s a complete example showing various input configurations:

export default class UIScene extends BaseScene {
public async initialize() {
const container = this.add.flexContainer({
flexDirection: 'column',
gap: 30,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
// Large styled input
const largeInput = container.add.existing(
new Input({
style: { align: 'left', fontSize: 32 },
placeholder: {
text: 'I am huge',
alpha: 0.5,
color: 0x666666,
minWidth: 400,
padding: [20, 30],
bg: {
radius: 200,
stroke: { width: 6, color: 0x0 },
// Phone input with validation
const phoneInput = container.add.existing(
new Input({
type: 'tel',
minWidth: 400,
regex: /^1?-?\(?([2-9][0-9]{2})\)?[-. ]?([2-9][0-9]{2})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter phone number' },
error: {
input: { fill: 0xff0000 },
bg: { fill: 0xf5e0df },
// Password input
const passwordInput = container.add.existing(
new Input({
type: 'password',
minWidth: 400,
placeholder: { text: 'Enter password' },
focusOverlay: {
activeFilter: ['mobile', 'touch'],
scale: 2.5,
marginTop: 60,
// Add to focus management[largeInput, phoneInput, passwordInput]);

Best Practices

  1. Always provide meaningful placeholder text to guide users
  2. Use appropriate input types for different data (email, tel, password)
  3. Implement validation when necessary
  4. Configure the focus overlay for better mobile experience
  5. Handle input events appropriately
  6. Consider using persistent placeholders for better UX
  7. Provide visual feedback for errors and validation