Platform Utilities
Platform utilities provide a set of functions for detecting device capabilities, screen properties, and platform-specific features. These utilities are essential for creating responsive and platform-optimized games.
Display Detection
Retina Display
Detect high-DPI (Retina) displays:
import { isRetina } from 'dill-pixel';
if (isRetina) { // Load high-resolution textures // Adjust rendering resolution}
Input Detection
Touch Support
Check if the device supports touch input:
import { isTouch } from 'dill-pixel';
if (isTouch) { // Enable touch controls // Adjust UI for touch interaction}
Device Detection
Mobile Devices
Check if the user is on a mobile device:
import { isMobile } from 'dill-pixel';
if (isMobile) { // Optimize for mobile performance // Adjust UI layout for smaller screens}
Specific Platforms
Detect specific mobile platforms:
import { isAndroid, isIos } from 'dill-pixel';
if (isAndroid) { // Android-specific optimizations}
if (isIos) { // iOS-specific optimizations}
Common Use Cases
Responsive Game Design
import { isMobile, isRetina } from 'dill-pixel';
function configureGameResolution() { const config = { resolution: 1, textureQuality: 'medium', particleCount: 1000, };
if (isMobile) { // Reduce quality for mobile config.textureQuality = 'low'; config.particleCount = 500; }
if (isRetina) { // Increase resolution for retina displays config.resolution = 2; }
return config;}
Input Management
import { isTouch, isMobile } from 'dill-pixel';
function setupControls() { if (isTouch) { // Setup touch controls return { type: 'touch', joystickEnabled: true, buttonSize: isMobile ? 'large' : 'medium', }; }
// Setup keyboard/mouse controls return { type: 'keyboard', keyboardMap: defaultKeyboardMap, mouseEnabled: true, };}
Platform-Specific Features
import { isAndroid, isIos } from 'dill-pixel';
function setupPlatformFeatures() { const features = { hapticFeedback: false, shareEnabled: true, adProvider: 'default', };
if (isIos) { features.hapticFeedback = true; features.adProvider = 'ios'; }
if (isAndroid) { features.hapticFeedback = true; features.adProvider = 'android'; }
return features;}
Best Practices
- Use platform detection for initial setup rather than continuous checks
- Cache detection results rather than checking repeatedly
- Combine multiple checks for comprehensive device profiling
- Consider progressive enhancement based on device capabilities
- Test on various devices and platforms to ensure proper detection
Performance Considerations
When using platform detection:
- Cache detection results at startup:
const deviceProfile = { isMobile: isMobile, isTouch: isTouch, isRetina: isRetina, isAndroid: isAndroid, isIos: isIos,};
- Use the cached values throughout your game:
function updateGameSettings() { if (deviceProfile.isMobile) { // Mobile optimizations } if (deviceProfile.isRetina) { // Retina optimizations }}