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Focus Management

Focus management in dill-pixel provides keyboard navigation and visual feedback for interactive elements in your application. The system consists of multiple layers of focusable elements that can be navigated using the Tab key.

Core Concepts

Focus Layers

Focus layers provide a way to manage multiple sets of focusable elements in your application. Think of them as stackable groups of interactive elements where only one layer can be active at a time.

// Create a new focus layer
app.focus.addFocusLayer('popup', false); // second param: don't make active
// Switch active layer
// Remove a layer

Common Use Cases

  1. Menu Navigation: Separate menu items into their own layer
  2. Popups: Create a dedicated layer for popup content
  3. Game UI: Switch between different UI states (inventory, skills, etc.)

Layer Priority

You can control the order of layers to manage focus priority:

// Set explicit layer order
app.focus.setLayerOrder(['popup', 'menu', 'game']);

Layer Events

app.focus.onFocusLayerChange.connect((layerId) => {
console.log(`Active layer changed to: ${layerId}`);

Default Focus

Each layer can have a default focusable element that receives focus when the layer becomes active:

// Set default focus when adding focusables
app.focus.addFocusable(menuButton, 'menu', true); // true = set as default
// Or when adding multiple elements
app.focus.addFocusLayer('menu', true, [
menuButton, // First element becomes default

Layer Cleanup

Focus layers are automatically cleaned up when changing scenes, but you can also manually remove them:

// Remove specific layer
// Remove all layers

Focusable Elements

Any container implementing the IFocusable interface can receive focus. The framework provides built-in focus support for components like Button.

// Add focusable elements to a layer
app.focus.addFocusable(button, 'main', true); // true = set as default focus
app.focus.addFocusable([element1, element2], 'popup');

Visual Feedback

The FocusOutliner provides visual feedback when elements receive focus. By default, it draws a cyan rectangle or rounded rectangle around the focused element.

Default Outliner Configuration

Configure the default outliner’s appearance in your dill-pixel config:

Configuration Options

colornumber0x00ffffOutline color in hex format
shape'rectangle' | 'rounded rectangle''rounded rectangle'Outline shape style
lineWidthnumber2Width of the outline in pixels
radiusnumber8Corner radius for rounded rectangle shape
export const config = defineConfig({
focus: {
outliner: {
color: 0x00ffff, // Cyan color (default)
shape: 'rounded rectangle', // 'rectangle' or 'rounded rectangle'
lineWidth: 2, // Outline thickness
radius: 8, // Corner radius (for rounded rectangle)

Custom Focus Outliner

You can create your own focus outliner by extending the base FocusOutliner class:

  1. Create a custom outliner component

    import { FocusOutliner } from 'dill-pixel';
    export class MyCustomOutliner extends FocusOutliner {
    public draw(focusTarget: IFocusable): void {
    // Custom drawing logic here
    this._graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000); // Red outline
    this._graphics.drawRect(0, 0, this.focusBounds.width, this.focusBounds.height);
  2. Configure the outliner in your dill-pixel.config.ts

    import { defineConfig } from 'dill-pixel';
    import { MyCustomOutliner } from '@/components/MyCustomOutliner';
    export const config = defineConfig({
    //... rest ofyour config
    focus: {
    outliner: MyCustomOutliner, // Use custom outliner