Random utilities provide a set of functions for generating random numbers and values in your game. These utilities are essential for creating variety in gameplay, procedural generation, and randomized behaviors.
Random Number Generation
Float Values
Generate random floating-point numbers within a range:
import { floatBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
// Random float between 0 and 1
const opacity = floatBetween ( 0 , 1 );
// Random float for position
const x = floatBetween ( - 100 , 100 );
Integer Values
Generate random integer numbers within a range:
import { intBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
// Random level between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
const level = intBetween ( 1 , 11 );
const damage = intBetween ( 10 , 21 ); // 10-20 damage
Boolean Values
Generate random boolean values:
import { bool } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
const shouldSpawn = bool ();
const isCriticalHit = bool ();
Point-Based Random Values
Generate random values between point coordinates:
import { Point } from ' pixi.js ' ;
import { floatBetweenPoint, intBetweenPoint } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
// Define range using a point
const range = new Point ( 0 , 100 );
// Random float between point coordinates
const float = floatBetweenPoint (range); // 0-100 float
// Random integer between point coordinates
const int = intBetweenPoint (range); // 0-99 integer
Common Use Cases
Procedural Generation
import { intBetween, floatBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
width: intBetween ( 10 , 21 ), // 10-20 units wide
height: intBetween ( 10 , 21 ), // 10-20 units high
enemies: intBetween ( 3 , 7 ), // 3-6 enemies
difficulty: floatBetween ( 1 , 2 ), // 1.0-2.0 difficulty multiplier
Particle Effects
import { floatBetween, bool } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
lifetime: floatBetween ( 0.5 , 2 ),
rotates: bool (), // 50% chance to rotate
Enemy Behavior
import { bool, intBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
damage: intBetween ( 5 , 11 ), // 5-10 damage
distance: intBetween ( 1 , 4 ), // 1-3 units
Loot Tables
import { floatBetween, intBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
generateLoot ( quality : number ) {
gold: intBetween ( 10 , 51 ) * quality, // 10-50 gold, scaled by quality
rarity: floatBetween ( 0 , 1 ) < 0.2 ? ' rare ' : ' common ' , // 20% chance for rare
quantity: intBetween ( 1 , 4 ), // 1-3 items
Best Practices
Use appropriate functions for your needs:
// Good: Using intBetween for discrete values
const damage = intBetween ( 1 , 11 ); // 1-10 damage
// Good: Using floatBetween for continuous values
const speed = floatBetween ( 0 , 1 ); // 0.0-1.0 speed
// Good: Using bool for binary choices
const success = bool (); // true/false
Consider range boundaries:
// Remember: intBetween max is exclusive
const diceRoll = intBetween ( 1 , 7 ); // 1-6 (for a d6)
// Remember: floatBetween max is exclusive
const percent = floatBetween ( 0 , 1 ); // 0.0-0.999...
Use Point-based ranges when appropriate:
import { Point } from ' pixi.js ' ;
// Define reusable ranges
const damageRange = new Point ( 10 , 21 );
const speedRange = new Point ( 0 , 1 );
const damage = intBetweenPoint (damageRange);
const speed = floatBetweenPoint (speedRange);
Efficient Usage
// Good: Cache random values that won't change
private readonly damage = intBetween ( 5 , 11 );
private readonly speed = floatBetween ( 0.8 , 1.2 );
// Bad: Generating random values every frame
this . x += floatBetween ( - 1 , 1 ); // Don't do this
// Good: Generate random values when needed
return this . damage + intBetween ( - 2 , 3 ); // Base damage ± 2
Tips and Tricks
Create helper functions for common ranges:
const randomPercent = () => floatBetween ( 0 , 1 );
const randomSign = () => ( bool () ? 1 : - 1 );
const d20 = () => intBetween ( 1 , 21 );
Combine with other utilities:
import { Point } from ' pixi.js ' ;
import { floatBetween } from ' dill-pixel ' ;
function randomPosition ( bounds : { width : number ; height : number } ) : Point {
return new Point ( floatBetween ( 0 , bounds . width ) , floatBetween ( 0 , bounds . height ));
Use for weighted choices:
function getRandomRarity () {
const roll = floatBetween ( 0 , 1 );
if (roll < 0.1 ) return ' legendary ' ; // 10%
if (roll < 0.3 ) return ' rare ' ; // 20%
if (roll < 0.6 ) return ' uncommon ' ; // 30%