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The captions system in dill-pixel provides synchronized subtitles/captions for voice-over audio content. It’s tightly integrated with the audio system and supports multiple languages, styling options, and positioning configurations.


Captions can be configured in your dill-pixel.config.ts file. Here’s an example configuration:

import { defineConfig } from 'dill-pixel';
export const config = defineConfig({
// ... rest of your config
captions: {
files: [
{ id: 'en', json: 'audio/vo/en/cc.json' },
{ id: 'fr', json: 'audio/vo/fr/cc.json' },
backgroundAlpha: 0.5,
backgroundColor: 0x0,
textColor: 0xffffff,
maxWidth: 0.4,

Available Configuration Options

  1. Core Settings:
    • files: Array of caption files for different languages
    • defaultLocale: Default language (defaults to ‘en’)
    • enabled: Whether captions are enabled (defaults to true)
  2. Visual Settings:
    • fontFile: Path to the bitmap font file
    • fontName: Name of the font to use
    • fontSizeMultiplier: Scale factor for font size
    • maxWidth: Maximum width of captions (as ratio of screen width)
    • textColor: Color of caption text
    • backgroundColor: Color of caption background
    • backgroundAlpha: Opacity of caption background
  3. Positioning Settings:
    • floating: Whether captions float or stretch full width - distance: Distance from screen edge when floating
    • padding: Padding around caption text
    • position: Vertical position (‘top’ or ‘bottom’)

Integration with Audio System

The CaptionsPlugin automatically syncs with the AudioManagerPlugin through several signal connections:

  • onLocaleChanged: Triggered when the locale changes
  • onVoiceOverStart: Triggered when voiceover starts
  • onVoiceOverPaused: Triggered when voiceover is paused
  • onVoiceOverResumed: Triggered when voiceover is resumed
  • onVoiceOverComplete: Triggered when voiceover completes
  • onVoiceOverStopped: Triggered when voiceover stops

These connections ensure captions are:

  • Started when voice-over begins
  • Paused/resumed with audio
  • Stopped when voice-over ends
  • Cleared when switching scenes

Caption Rendering

The CaptionsRenderer handles the visual presentation of captions.

Key rendering features:

  • Bitmap text rendering for optimal performance
  • Background sprite with configurable color/opacity
  • Automatic text wrapping and positioning
  • Smooth fade transitions
  • Support for different screen sizes and orientations

Localization Support

The captions system integrates with the i18n system:

  • Locale-specific caption files are loaded based on the current locale
  • Captions are displayed in the selected language
  • Captions are cleared when switching locales

Best Practices

  1. Caption Files: Structure your caption files with proper timing:
    "vo_intro_1": [
    "start": 0,
    "end": 3000,
    "content": "Welcome to the game"
  2. Accessibility: Always provide clear contrast between text and background colors
  3. Positioning: Consider game content when choosing between top/bottom positioning
  4. Text Width: Keep maxWidth between 0.4-0.8 for optimal readability

Voiceover Integration

Captions in dill-pixel are paired with voiceovers. See the Voiceover documentation for more information.