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Focus management


The KeyboardManager class is responsible for handling keyboard inputs in your game. It’s part of a system that includes focus management and input handling.

It tracks the state of the keyboard and the application. The _downKeys set keeps track of which keys are currently being pressed.

The KeyboardManager registers event listeners for various keyboard and mouse events. It also connects several methods to signals, which are emitted when certain events occur.

window.addEventListener(InputUtils.Events.KEY_DOWN, this.onKeyDown.bind(this), false);
window.addEventListener(InputUtils.Events.POINTER_DOWN, this.onMouseDown.bind(this), false);
window.addEventListener(InputUtils.Events.KEY_UP, this.onKeyUp.bind(this), false);
window.addEventListener(InputUtils.Events.FOCUS, this.onBrowserFocus.bind(this));
window.addEventListener(InputUtils.Events.BLUR, this.onBrowserBlur.bind(this));

The onKeyDown and onKeyUp methods handle the pressing and releasing of keys, respectively. They update the _downKeys set and perform actions based on the keys pressed.

The addKeyBinding method allows your game to specify what action should be taken when a certain key is pressed. It takes a direction (which could be an actual direction like ‘up’ or ‘down’, or ‘Enter’ for the enter key), a key code, and optional modifiers (like whether the alt, shift, or ctrl keys should be held down).

public addKeyBinding(
pDirection: Direction | 'Enter',
pKeyCode: KeyCodes,
pModifiers?: Partial<{
altKey: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
ctrlKey: boolean;

The removeKeyBinding and removeAllKeyBindings methods allow the application to remove these bindings.

The isKeyDown method checks if a certain key or set of keys is currently being pressed.

The onDirectionPressed method is called when a direction key is pressed. It steps through the current KeyboardMap in the given direction.


The KeyboardFocusManager class is responsible for displaying on-screen indicators for focused elements. It listens for changes in focus and updates the display accordingly. It’s initialized with a type for rendering the focus indicator.

By default, this is the DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite class, which renders a simple rectangle around the focused element.

The KeyboardFocusManager pools instances of the focus indicator class to avoid creating and destroying them constantly.

const focusManager = new KeyboardFocusManager<DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite>(DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite);

You can create your own focus indicator class by extending the KeyboardFocusManagerSprite class and overriding the draw method, or by implementing the IKeyboardFocus interface:

IKeyboardFocus extends DisplayObject {
readonly target: IFocusable | undefined;
show(pFocusable: IFocusable): void;
hide(pOnComplete?: () => void, pInstantly?: boolean): void;
redraw(): void;

You can also tweak the DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite class by just changing it’s static properties:

public static COLOR: number = 0xff0000;
public static PADDING: number = 4;
public static LINE_WIDTH: number = 2;

Like so:

protected setup() {
// Change the color of the focus indicator
DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite.COLOR = 0x00ff00;
// Change the padding around the focused element
DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite.PADDING = 8;
// Change the width of the focus indicator
DefaultKeyboardFocusManagerSprite.LINE_WIDTH = 4;

Focusable Elements

Think of KeyboardMap as a layer of focusable elements. Each element has a focusable property, which is a boolean that determines whether the element can be focused on. Anything in your game can be a focusable element if it has a focusable property — but for more granular control, make a custom class that extends Container, and implement the IFocusable interface.

interface IFocusable {
onFocusBegin(): void;
onFocusEnd(): void;
onFocusActivated(): void;
getFocusPosition(): Point;
getFocusSize(): IPoint;
isFocusable?(): boolean;


KeyboardMaps are used to manage keyboard focus for interactive elements in your game. It has several properties to track the state of the keyboard and the application, and holds a list of focusable elements and their neighbours. It also serves double-duty as a focus trap, preventing the user from navigating outside of the focusable elements.

The pushMapLayer and popMapLayer methods are used to manage layers of KeyboardMap objects. When a new layer is pushed, it becomes the active layer and the previous layer is deactivated. When a layer is popped, it is removed and the next layer down becomes active.

import { addKeyboardLayer, removeKeyboardLayer, registerFocusables } from 'dill-pixel';
init() {
// addKeyboardLayer() is usually called in the init method of your state
// Create and register some focusable elements
const button1 = this.add.coloredSprite({ color: 0xff0000, width: 100, height: 100 });
const button2 = this.add.coloredSprite({ color: 0x00ff00, width: 100, height: 100 });
const button3 = this.add.coloredSprite({ color: 0x0000ff, width: 100, height: 100 });
button1.focusable = button2.focusable = button3.focusable = true;
registerFocusables(button1, button2, button3);
destroy() {
// Remove the keyboard layer
// Call the super method or your state will not be destroyed


When a popup is shown, it automatically adds its own KeyboardMap layer, and removes the layer when it’s hidden. This allows the popup to handle keyboard inputs without interfering with the rest of the application.


To see examples of this in action, check out the Button Example, the Focusables Example, or the Popups Example on the dill pixel website.