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Popups are a great way to display information, menus, or other UI elements in your game. They can be used to pause the game, show a message, or prompt the player for input.

Creating a Popup

To create a popup, you need to create a class that extends the Popup class. Using gsap lets us customize the animateIn and animateOut methods to create custom animations for the popup.

import { Popup } from 'dill-pixel';
import { gsap } from 'gsap';
export default class MyPopup extends Popup {
static NAME: string = 'MyPopup';
// Initialize the popup
init(size: Point) {
// Data passed to the popup is available in this._popupData
// Add UI elements to popup
// To close the popup, call this.close()
this._button.on('pointerdown', this.close);
// Animate the popup in
async animateIn(pCallback: () => void): Promise<void> {
if (this.blackout) {
gsap.fromTo(this.blackout, { alpha: 0 }, { alpha: 1, visible: true, duration: 0.3 });
await gsap.fromTo(this, { alpha: 0 }, { alpha: 1, visible: true, duration: 0.4 });
// Animate the popup out
async animateOut(pCallback: () => void): Promise<void> {
if (this.blackout) {
await, { alpha: 0, duration: 0.2, delay: 0.1 });
}, { alpha: 0, duration: 0.3 });

Launching a Popup

To launch a popup, call dill pixel’s showPopup method and pass the popup class name, any data you want to pass to the popup, along with some additoinal options:

  • callback: a function that is called when the popup is closed
  • backdrop: whether to show a backdrop behind the popup
import { showPopup } from 'dill-pixel';
import { MyPopup } from './myPopup';
onClose = () => {
console.log('Popup closed');
myButton.on('pointerdown', () => {
id: MyPopup.NAME,
data: { foo: 'bar' }, // data passed to the popup
callback: this.onClose, // called when the popup is closed
backdrop: true, // show an overlay behind the popup